Preferences - Behavior window:

Preferences - Behavior

Save 'Writing tab' configuration

Saves the state of Writing tab on exit.

Save 'Writing features' configuration

Saves the state of Writing features on exit.

Save 'Renaming tab' configuration

Saves the state of Renaming tab on exit.

Save 'Renaming features' configuration

Saves the state of Renaming features on exit.

Save 'Special tab' configuration

Saves the state of Special tab on exit.

Save main window state configuration

Saves the state of main window on exit. Now only the size, position is ignored.

Remember last active tab

On next start ID3 renamer will activate the last used tab - either Writing tab or Renaming tab.

Remember last used directory

On next start ID3 renamer will preset the last selected folder (if exist).

Check for new version on startup

On every startup ID3 renamer will check server for new version info. If any exists the message is shown and you can download new version after.
I strongly recommed to keep checkbox checked and keep ID3 renamer up-to-date.